This short film celebrates a unique religious practice in Okinawa. Families welcome back their ancestors from the afterlife, spend time together in the present and then send them back again. Made with and by people of Okinawa, featuring traditional dance.
Screens before Carving the Divine: Buddhist Sculptors of Japan
Een eerbetoon aan een unieke religieuze praktijk op Okinawa, waarbij families hun voorouders verwelkomen uit het hiernamaals, tijd met hen doorbrengen in het heden en dan weer terugsturen. Gemaakt met en door inwoners van Okinawa, met traditionele dans.
Vertoond voor Carving the Divine: Buddhist Sculptors of Japan
HIGA Asato is a digital video editor and director based in Okinawan. He specialises in a range of digital and 3D technologies. As well as producing music and promotional videos, Asato also explores artistic endeavours through his photography and recently filmmaking.
2023 – Okinawan Dream 若い世代に夢を