Supottoraito wo atete kure!


A filmmaker gets into a dispute over the content of his film. This angers the chairman of a major company in the industry so much that the filmmaker is almost kicked out of the business. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, he is visited by an 18-year old girl. She brings 30 million yen in cash with her, and asks him to make a film. A great, sweet and satisfying film about the necessity of making films.

Een filmmaker krijgt ruzie over de inhoud van zijn film. Dit maakt het hoofd van een belangrijk bedrijf in de filmindustrie zo boos, dat hij min of meer de filmwereld uit wordt gewerkt. Hij kan geen kant op, totdat een 18-jarig meisje hem opzoekt. Met 30 miljoen yen contant op zak vraagt ze hem een film te maken. Een geweldige, lieve en bevredigende film over de noodzaak van films maken.

KOUMEI grew up in Fukushima Prefecture and graduated from Toho Gakuen in Tokyo. He made his directorial debut in 1999 with the V-Cinema Kujiramichi 9 and his first theatrical release in 2008 with Kogyo Aika Volley Boys THE MOVIE. Since then he has worked on numerous joint productions in China and Korea. Continuing to produce films in a wide variety of genres, including comedies and coming-of-age dramas, KOUMEI has discovered the potential for using film in regional reconstruction. In 2014, he produced the art film KUROZUKA Kuro to Aka with the dancer HIRAYAMA Motoko for the Fukushima Prefectural Museum, Agency for Cultural Affairs. The film was highly acclaimed in Japan and abroad.

2021 – Spotlight スポットライトを当ててくれ!
2014 – Kuro to Aka 黒と朱
2008 – Kogyo Aika Volley Boys THE MOVIE 工業哀歌バレーボーイズ THE MOVIE
1999 – Kujiramichi 9 鯨道9