Rise of the Machine Girls
爆裂魔神少女 バーストマシンガール
Bakuretsu majin jōjo baasuto mashin gaaru

© 2019 “Rise of the Machine Girls” Film Partners

Reboot of IGUCHI Noboru’s infamous Machine Girl (2008) produced by the man himself. This time directed by KOBAYASHI Yuki (Death Row Family), the film delivers in spades what the franchise has had to offer to date: juvenile and grotesque gory humor, inventive visual effects and women with chainsaw arms brutally killing nasty and colourful villains.

Reboot van IGUCHI Noboru’s beruchte actiespektakel Machine Girl (2008). IGUCHI treedt ditmaal op als producent en laat de regie over aan KOBAYASHI Yuki (Death Row Family), die de vaste ingrediënten van de franchise op treffende wijze presenteert: de humor is weer heerlijk kinderachtig en grotesk, de visuele effecten zijn inventief én gelukkig zijn er ook weer vrouwen met kettingzagen als armen, die op wrede wijze talloze kleurrijke slechteriken van kant maken.


About the Director

KOBAYASHI Yuki’s short film, Night Safari, screened at the Tama New Wave competition for promising filmmakers in 2014. In the same year, Night Safari won the Grand Prix at the Kanazawa Film Festival. In 2016, Kamikaze Cowboy was awarded the Grand Prix in the Off Theater competition at the Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival. KOBAYASHI made his commercial film debut with Death Row Family and Hedoroba in 2017.

2019 – Rise of the Machine Girls 爆裂魔神少女 バーストマシンガール
2017 – Hedoroba
2017 – Death Row Family (CJ 2018)
2016 – Kamikaze Cowboy