Nakano Spy School

Nakano Spy School ©KADOKAWA CORPORATION 1966

In 1938, the Japanese army sets up the Nakano Spy School. Recruits have to cut themselves off from all contact with their former world and immerse themselves in training for a year. This changes who they are and who they think they are. All this is easier for Jiro than for his fiancé, Yukiko, who is left behind but tries to find him. This taut, sober spy drama strips the genre of glamour and poses thorny ethical questions about identity, institutionalisation and vocation in wartime.

In 1938 opent het Japanse leger de Nakano spionnenschool. Rekruten moeten zich afsluiten van hun voormalige leefwereld en al het contact verbreken om zich volledig op hun eenjarige training te storten. Dit verandert wie ze zijn en wie ze denken te zijn. Dit is makkelijker voor Jiro dan voor zijn verloofde Yukiko, die achterblijft maar hem nog steeds probeert te vinden. Een strak, sober spionagedrama dat het genre ontdoet van de gebruikelijke glamour en lastige ethische vragen stelt over identiteit, institutionalisering en roeping in oorlogstijd.

MASUMURA Yasuzo 増村保造 (1924-1986) was a major postwar Japanese filmmaker. His contributions to the Japanese New Wave and beyond have long gone unrecognised in the West. This is finally changing and he is now getting the recognition he deserves. In 1951 he went to Italy to study under Michelangelo ANTONIONI, Federico FELLINI and Luchino VISCONTI. On his return to Japan, he started his directing career as assistant director to MIZOGUCHI Kenji and ICHIKAWA Kon. MASUMURA made his debut as director in 1957 with Kisses, and went on to direct 58 films in a variety of genres and styles. In 2008 CAMERA JAPAN dedicated a small programme to a few of his literary adaptations. In 2024, we are showcasing five major works from the 1950s and 1960s in a special retrospective.

1978 – The Love Suicides at Sonezaki 曽根崎心中
1973 – Hanzo the Razor: The Snare 御用牙 かみそり半蔵地獄責め
1972 – Music 音楽
1969 – Blind Beast 盲獣
1967 – The Wife of Seishu Hanaoka 華岡青洲の妻 (CJ 2008)
1966 – Irezumi 刺青
1966 – Red Angel 赤い天使
1966 – Nakano Spy School 陸軍中野学校 (CJ 2024)
1965 – Hoodlum Soldier 兵隊やくざ (CJ 2024) (CJ 2008)
1964 – All Mixed Up 卍 (CJ 2024)
1962 – Black Test Car 黒の試走車#映画
1961 – The Wife’s Confession 妻は告白する(CJ 2024)
1960 – Afraid to Die からっ風野郎
1958 – Giants and Toys 巨人と玩具
1957 – Warm Current 暖流 (CJ 2008)
1957 – The Blue Sky Maiden 青空娘 (CJ 2008)
1957 – Kisses くちづけ (CJ 2024)