There is some animosity between the city of Tokyo and the neighbouring prefecture of Saitama. Tokyoites see the Saitamese as poor peasants, while the latter see the city-folk as snobbish and stuck-up. In this crowd-pleasing, colourful modern fable, the class war between city dwellers and small-town folk is sharply, but lovingly, satirised.
De inwoners van Tokio hebben over het algemeen weinig op met de inwoners van buurgemeente Saitama, en dat is geheel wederzijds. Mensen uit Tokio zien Saitamezen als lompe boeren, terwijl de Saitamezen op hun beurt Tokioërs juist zien als elitaire snobs. In dit vrolijke, kleurrijke en moderne sprookje, wordt de klassenstrijd tussen stadsbewoners en provincialen op scherpe maar liefdevolle wijze geparodieerd.
About the Director
TAKEUCHI Hideki is a director and producer. He is originally from Chiba prefecture and worked at Tokyo Disneyland before becoming a TV director. TAKEUCHI is best known for Thermae Romae (I and II) about a Roman architect who is transported in time to modern Japan. Fly Me to the Saitama, his most recent feature film, won the MyMovies (Audience) Award at the 21st Udine Far East Film Festival (2019).
2019 – Fly Me to the Saitama 翔んで埼玉
2018 – Tonight, at the Movies
2012 – Thermae Romae
2010 – Nodame Cantabile: The Movie