Day of the Western Sunrise


On March 1st, 1954, the United States detonated a nuclear bomb at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Not far away, twenty-three fishermen aboard the Japanese tuna trawler, Lucky Dragon No. 5, immediately began experiencing symptoms of radiation sickness: an event that changed and shaped Japanese society in many different ways. In this (partly) animated documentary, three of the surviving fishermen tell their incredible story.

Op 1 maart 1954, een dag die de Japanse samenleving op vele manieren heeft gevormd en veranderd, lieten de Verenigde Staten een atoombom ontploffen op Bikini Atoll (Marshalleilanden). Niet ver daar vandaan begon de bemanning van het Japanse vissersschip Lucky Dragon No. 5 al vrij snel de gevolgen te merken van de straling waar ze aan blootgesteld werden. In deze deels geanimeerde documentaire vertellen drie van de nog levende vissers hun ongelofelijke verhaal.

Day of the Western Sunrise Documentary Trailer from DALIBORKAfilms on Vimeo.

About the Director

Keith REIMINK is a graduate of the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. His first documentary, the award-winning No Horizon Anymore (2012), screened at film festivals in Germany, New Zealand, Alaska and Hollywood. In 2013, REIMINK started the Pittsburgh-based indy film company Daliborka Films LLC, which seeks to produce passion projects that inspire and entertain.

2018 – Day of the Western Sunrise
2012 – No Horizon Anymore