WATANABE Hirobumi 渡辺紘文


Half-way between a documentary and a feature, this film depicts the life of a pig farmer during one week. Day by day we see him performing the same routines shot from the same camera perspective. Barely a word is spoken, and at night only the sounds of nature or the calm evening movements can be heard. Shot in the characteristic black and white that has become his trademark, Cry is the eighth movie by WATANABE Hirobumi (Poolsideman, CJ 2017), one of the most unique voices in Japanese cinema. Long shots and a total absence of dialogue are quite common in WATANABE’s cinema, creating a tension that often leads to sharp irony. Winner of the Best Director Award at the Tokyo International Film Festival.

Een week uit het leven van een varkensboer. Dag na dag zien we hem dezelfde routine uitvoeren, vanuit hetzelfde cameraperspectief. Buiten de stal overheerst de kalmte van de natuur, gesproken wordt er zelden. Achtste film van WATANABE Hirobumi, een van de meest eigenzinnige makers in de hedendaagse Japanse cinema, geschoten in het voor hem zo karakteristieke zwart-wit. Typerend zijn ook de afstandelijke stijl en het gebrek aan dialogen, die gezamenlijk spanning en ironie creëren. Bekroond met de prijs voor Beste Regisseur op het Tokyo International Film Festival.


About the Director

WATANABE Hirobumi (渡辺紘文) is a Japanese film director and actor. His debut feature And the Mud Ship Sails Away… (2013) was shown at the 26th Tokyo International Film Festival. Since his debut, WATANABE has created a recognisable style by consistently working together with his brother, the composer WATANABE Yuji, and the cinematographer BANG Woo-Ho.

2019 – CRY 叫び声
2018 – Life Finds a Way 普通は走り出す
2017- Party ‘Round the Globe 地球はお祭り騒ぎ
2016 – Poolsideman プールサイドマン (CJ 2017)
2015 – 7 Days 七日
2013 – And the Mud Ship Sails Away… そして泥船はゆく (CJ 2014)