2022 Films AlivehoonSHIMOYAMA Ten 下山 天Angry SonIIZUKA Kasho 飯塚 花笑Anime Supremacy!YOSHINO Kohei 吉野 耕平Anxious BodyMIZUSHIRI Yoriko 水尻自子short animationARCISHIKAWA Kei 石川慶AwakeYAMADA Atsuhiro 山田篤宏Baby AssassinsSAKAMOTO Yugo 阪元 裕吾Bad CitySONOMURA Kensuke 園村 健介Broken CommandmentMAEDA Kazuo 前田 和男historical dramaCycle RaceKURASAWA Hiroki 倉澤紘己short animationDozens of NorthsYAMAMURA Koji 山村浩二animeThe End of the Pale HourMATSUMOTO Hana 松本 花奈Eternally Younger Than Those IdiotsYOSHINO Ryohei 吉野竜平Forever a WomanTANAKA Kinuyo 田中絹代retrospectiveGoodbye, Don Glees!ISHIZUKA Atsuko いしづかあつこanimeThe Great Yokai War: GuardiansMIIKE Takashi 三池 崇史The House of the Lost on the CapeKAWATSURA Shinya 川面 真也animeI'm LateKABUKI Sawako 冠木 佐和子short animationIntoleranceYOSHIDA Keisuke 吉田 恵輔It's All My FaultMATSUMOTO Yusaku 松本 優作Japan Big Lagoon VillageStefanie GAUSdocumentaryJapan Media Arts Festival Special Program Featuring YUKI YokoYUKI Yoko 幸洋子short animationJointKOJIMA Oudai 小島央大yakuzaJust RememberingMATSUI Daigo 松居 大悟Let Me Hear It BarefootKUDO Riho 工藤 梨穂Love Under the CrucifixTANAKA Kinuyo 田中 絹代retrospectiveThe Midnight Maiden WarNINOMIYA Ken 二宮 健The Moon Has RisenTANAKA Kinuyo 田中絹代retrospectiveMy Brother, the Android, and MeSAKAMOTO Junji 阪本 順治Nagi's IslandNAGASAWA Masahiko 長澤 雅彦Offbeat CopsUCHIDA Eiji 内田 英治PopranUEDA Shinichiro 上田 慎一郎Prior ConvictionsKISHI Yoshiyuki 岸 善幸RibbonNON ノンRiverside MukolittaOGIGAMI Naoko 荻上 直子RoutineMIYAHARA Takuya 宮原 拓也short filmSalarymanAllegra PACHECOdocumentaryShort Animation SelectionVariousshort animationShrieking in the RainUCHIDA Eiji 内田 英治Small, Slow but SteadyMIYAKE Sho 三宅 唱SpotlightKOUMEI 高明StrayingIMAIZUMI Rikiya 今泉 力哉Summer Ghostloundraw ラウンドローanimationTamano Visual Poetry: Nagisa's BicycleTSUTA Tetsuichiro 蔦 哲一朗TargetNISHIJIMA Shinji 西嶋 真司documentaryThanc YouKURAMOTO Mitsuru 倉本 美津留comic pictureThey Say Nothing Stays the SameODAGIRI Joe オダギリ ジョーTokyo KurdsHYUGA Fumiari 日向 史有documentaryUnlock Your HeartSHUTO Rin 首藤凛WanderingLEE Sang-il 李 相日The Wandering PrincessTANAKA Kinuyo 田中 絹代retrospectiveWhere Now Are the Dreams of YouthOZU Yasujiro 小津 安二郎classicYonaguniAnush HAMZEHIAN & Vittorio MORTAROTTIdocumentary Events DJ Yuki Hoshi Exhibition: From ukiyo-e to hangaCurated by Maureen de VRIESExhibition: Memories of Tokyo 東京の思い出Paintings by Wijnand DRIESSENexhibitionFilm BrunchPrepared by Osōzai Japanese DeliculinaryKids' DayPresented by CAMERA JAPANKimono Dress & Photo ShootPresented by Hallelujah KimonoMarketPresented by CAMERA JAPANculinaryshopMiso WorkshopPresented by Choro Koji FermentationculinaryworkshopMokuhanga WorkshopPresented by MIYOSHI YurikoworkshopPerformance: Kaiju ProjectKaiju ProjectconcertSake TastingPresented by Yoigokochi Sake Importers