2021 Films 461 Days of Bento: A Promise Between Father and SonKANESHIGE Atsushi 兼重淳Ainu MosirFUKUNAGA Takeshi 福永壮志Along the SeaFUJIMOTO Akio 藤元明緒Angry Rice WivesMOTOKI Katsuhide 本木克英Between UsOKUAKI Yasuo 奥秋泰男Beyond the Infinite Two MinutesYAMAGUCHI Junta 山口淳太BoundJean-Armand BOUGRELLEClosetSHINDO Takehiro 進藤丈広The Deer KingANDO Masashi 安藤雅司 MIYAJI Masayuki 宮地昌幸animeDouble Layered Town/Making a Song to Replace Our PositionsKOMORI Haruka 小森はるか+SEO Natsumi 瀬尾夏美documentaryShort: Echoes from a BridgeKAWAZOE Bilal 川添ビイラルshort filmThe Fable: The Killer Who Doesn't KillEGUCHI Kan 江口カンGeorama Boy, Panorama GirlSETA Natsuki 瀬田なつきThe Ghost Cat and the Mysterious ShamisenUSHIHARA Kiyohiko 牛原虚彦Ghost Stories: Fox and TanukiYOSHINO Jiro 吉野二郎The Goldfish: Dreaming of the SeaOGAWA Sara 小川紗良Short: Go Seppuku YourselvesTOYODA Toshiaki 豊田利晃short filmI Never Shot AnyoneSAKAMOTO Junji 阪本順治It's a Summer Film!MATSUMOTO Soushi 松本壮史Jun Kasai Crazy MonkeyKAWAGUCHI Jun 川口潤JUNK HEADHORI Takahide 堀貴秀KontoraAnshul CHAUHANLast of the WolvesSHIRAISHI Kazuya白石和彌Love, Life, and GoldfishMAKABE Yukinori 真壁幸紀LuginskyHaiena ハイエナShort: Major TomCHISAKA Takuya 千阪拓也short filmMy Name Is YoursFUKUDA MomokoふくだももこShort: NarumiYABE Rin 矢部凜short filmOkinawa SantosMATSUBAYASHI Yoju 松林要樹documentaryOra, Ora Be Goin' AloneOKITA Shuichi 沖田修一Pompo the CinephileHIRAO Takayuki 平尾隆之Short: PROJECT TanukiCHIEUH Yu Hsinshort filmThe Real ThingFUKADA Koji 深田晃司Red Post On Escher StreetSONO Sion 園子温Remain in TwilightMATSUI Daigo 松居大悟Special Screening: Rotterdam Kinematic EnsembleSasaki in My MindUCHIYAMA Takuya 内山拓也ShiverTOYODA Toshiaki 豊田利晃Short Animation SelectionVariousanimationshort filmA Straightforward BoyOZU Yasujiro 内山拓也Tattooed LifeSUZUKI Seijun 鈴木清順The Town of HeadcountsARAKI Shinji 荒木伸二Under the Open SkyNishikawa Miwa 西川美和UshikuThomas ASHdocumentaryWife of a SpyKUROSAWA Kiyoshi 黒沢清 Events Before J-Horror: The Origins of the Japanese Horror FilmDr. Michael CRANDOLlectureExhibition: ASAKUSA by Ronin de GOEDEExhibition: Nichiran KARUTAExhibition: SPECTRUM by SAWAMURA YutaFilm BrunchKids' DayInterventionsIzakaya @ Vessel 11Japanese Rope BondageMangaKissa CaféOpening PerformanceTsunagari Performance + Opening FilmSake TastingYoigokochi Sake ImportersTea Tasting: How to Prepare and Enjoy Precious Gyokuro TeaRenee POMPENculinaryteaTea Tasting: Sencha - More Than Just Steamed Green TeaRenee POMPENculinaryworkshopWorkshop: Calligraphy by LankaWorkshop: Flower CompositionNEGI Yoko