2020 Films 108: Revenge and Adventure of Goro KaibaMATSUO Suzuki 松尾スズキA Girl MissingFUKADA Koji 深田晃司Beautiful GoodbyeIMAMURA Eiichi 今村瑛一Conflagration + Guest LectureICHIKAWA KonclassicCryWATANABE Hirobumi 渡辺紘文The Day of DestructionTOYODA Toshiaki 豊田利晃@WORMExtroMURAHASHI Naoki 村橋 直樹FancyHIROTA Masaoki 廣田正興Happy-Go-Lucky DaysSATO TakuyaanimeLGBTQThe Hardness of AvocadoJO Masaya 城真也Haruka's PotterySUETSUGU NaruhitohisIMAIZUMI Rikiya 今泉力哉LGBTQi - Documentary of the JournalistMORI Tatsuya 森達也documentaryIt Feels So GoodARAI Haruhiko 荒井晴彦Minori on the BrinkNINOMIYA Ryutaro 二ノ宮隆太郎MotherOMORI Tatsushi 大森立嗣The Murders of OisoMISAWA Takuya 三澤拓哉My IdentitySUZUKI Sae 鈴木冴New Directions in Japanese CinemaVariousNot Quite Dead YetHAMASAKI Shinji 浜崎慎治OBAKENAKAO Hiromichi 中尾広道ON-GAKU: Our SoundIWAISAWA Kenji 岩井澤健治animeOne Summer StoryOKITA Shuichi 沖田修一The Other HomeNISHIKAWA Tatsuro 西川達郎Prison CircleSAKAGAMI Kaori 坂上香documentaryRomance DollTANADA Yuki タナダユキSeven Days WarMURANO Yuta 村野佑太animeShape of RedMISHIMA Yukiko 三島有紀子Short Animation SelectionVarious directorsanimeTake Over ZoneYAMASAKI Shinpei 山嵜晋平Talking the PicturesSUO MasayukiTaro the FoolOMORI Tatsushi 大森立嗣Three NobunagasWATANABE KeiVampire Clay ~ DerivationUMEZAWA Soichi 梅沢壮一Voices in the WindSUWA Nobuhiro Events Exhibition: Japan 2011 and 2015exhibitionphotographyExhibition: Parallel BotanyHONDA SaeexhibitionExhibition: Sharon VAN DAMSexhibitionFilm Brunchby Catarina & TeamInterventionsVariousMini Kids' DayVariousTea Tasting: Matcha - From Tea Ceremony to Matcha KitKatculinaryworkshopTea Tasting: Sencha - More Than Just Steamed Green TeaculinaryworkshopWorkshop: Japanese calligraphyworkshopWorkshop: Miso-Maru (Miso soup bombs)culinaryworkshopWorkshop: Onigirazu (Japanese rice sandwich)culinaryworkshopWorkshop: Tsukemono (pickling)culinaryworkshop