CAMERA JAPAN is looking for enthusiastic people to help us before, during and after the 2022 festival.
Can you fill any of the positions listed below for a minimum of three shifts? If yes, please fill in this short form with your contact details, preferred position, and availability. Arigato!
• Poster distribution: Hang posters at different locations and events before and during the festival.
• Festival Build-up, Decoration & Creative staff: Camera Japanifying the lobby of LantarenVenster before the festival, and/or returning LantarenVenster back to normal on the day after the festival.
• Screening Attendants: Check film tickets, hand out voting cards.
• Merchandise: Sell T-shirts, DVDs & posters at the Camera Japan booth.
• Volunteer Room staff: Manage and maintain the atmosphere and the room for the volunteers.
• Back-up staff: Be available to help out other volunteers or team members if necessary.
• Runners: Transport festival items to and from the venue.
• Enquête: Engage with festival visitors via questionnaires to learn about their festival experience.
• Volunteer Dinner prep: Help prepare yummy dinners for volunteers.
• Film Brunch: Prepare and serve the Film Brunch on Sunday morning.
• Kids’ Day: Help out with arts & crafts, workshops, and games at the Kids’ Day on Sunday.
We take preferences into consideration, but we cannot guarantee you a specific position. Knowledge of Dutch is not required, but it can be handy.
Of course, you can also get in touch with Fran or Nancy by sending an email to volunteer (at) camerajapan (dot) nl.